Wake up at 6am, leave at 7:30am.
Unfortunately, Nathan explains us that along the road it should be covered by flowers (mostly pink ones), but due to the recent heavy rains, everything has been washed away ...
We enter the Kakadu NP, Arnhem Land, a huge place for the aboriginal culture.
Our first stop is at Nourlangie Rock (which is a wrong name, given by the non-aboriginal people ... The correct names are "Burrunggui" for the upper part of the rock, and "Angbangbang" for the lower part).
There we go for a 1.5h walk, where we see a lot of nice aboriginal paintings and beautiful views (especially from the Gunwarrdehwarrdeh lookout).
We also get to see some very particular flowers, the "Trigger Plant".
It's a pink flower (how original !), with a kind of "hammer", that is triggered as soon as a bee comes to get some pollen.
The bee is then "knocked out", but covered with pollen when she leaves.
(amazing & wonderful nature ...)
After that, we go to another great lookout : Nawurlandja.
It's a steep walk to get there, but the view is amazing.
We have lunch there (sandwiches).
Afterwards, we go to the Jabiru Airport, to drop off some of the group, that are going for a scenic flight over the area.
I'm not doing it, as it's a bit too expensive ... (it would have been nice though, as they fly over the Jim Jim Falls and Twin Falls, that we should have visited, but are closed due to the recent heavy rains ... pfff)
While the others are doing their flight, we go to the nearby Bowalli (?) Cultural Centre.
It's quite interesting, but nothing really exciting. But still, there's a good documentary on the nature in the area.
(while we were going to the Cultural Centre, we saw a dingo waiting at a crossroads)
We stop a few times to try spotting crocodiles or goannas (big lizards), but don't see anything ...
When passing back to the crossroad, the dingo is still there ! (still waiting, probably thursty)
And when getting back to the airport, we see him again ...
Along the road, we see many bush fires : they're controlled fires, to burn now what us easily burnable, to avoid it to burn later on and set fire to the whole area.
(they're apparently set and controlled by the local aboriginal people, the "Bijjing" - need to check the spelling)
We then head to the East Alligator River (the East limitation of the park).
Nothing really interesting to see ... (could have seen crocodiles, but didn't)
After that, we go to Ubbirr, to see some more aboriginal paintings, and also where we'll stay to watch the sunset.
The place is really special, amazingly beautiful.
There's a special atmosphere, the vegetation is magnificent, and there's a lot of paintings.
The place where we stay to watch the sunset is truly magical ...
(isn't the same on the photos though)
When walking back to the truck, we see some very rare wallaroos (rock wallaroos), as well as some snakes and spiders.
(don't have any pics, was too dark and couldn't get any good one ...)
We then drive to our camp, at Cooimba, where we immediately start cooking dinner - it's already late.
We're having pasta tonight.
We go to sleep quite early.
(when going to the toilet I see a beautiful owl standing just in front of the door)
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