Today the sun is back.
Free pancakes for breakfast.
Jogging around the lake.
When coming back from my jogging, I bounce on a Dutch guy I had met several times in NZ (first in Picton, then in Queenstown).
Once again, the world is so small ...
After shower, I use a bit of Internet to make some research and book things (as well as the usual mails, etc.).
I then walk to the centre, to go to the library to print a document (by foot, a long hour walk to get there - in the sun).
Before getting back to the hostel, I go to the beach.
When heading back to the hostel, I meet Turkiya (?), a Finnish girl from the hostel, we walk together and talk.
In the evening, the rain comes again. Some really heavy rain.
I play some pool with Noel, a French guy staying at the hostel.
We then go to the Elephant & Wheelbarrow with Fiona and Turkiya (?).
In the pub there's a special 80's party, with a live band : "Back ti the Eighties" ... They play really well, and look completely ridiculous ... The perfect 80's show !
We meet some others from the hostel, such as Amber.
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