Wake up at 9-9:30am.
Not easy, as haven't slept much ...
But still, need to wake up, as haven't booked another night here at the Base, and of course also because I want to say goodbye to the others.
Before doing anthing, I first call the Ritz hostel to ask them if they have a spare bed. They have some, so I book a bed there for 2 nights.
I then quickly take a shower and go downstairs for the free breakfast (the hostel kitchen is temporarely unavailable, so they offer free dinner and breakfast).
It's a relatively good breakfast, with toasts, cereals, juices, tea and coffee.
(with Charlotte, we leave the luggages in the luggages room - the person in charge forget to make us pay for it ... Sweet)
After breakfast, Andy and Helen arrive, and we stay together with Andy while Helen goes with Clare to do some stuff.
After a while, she comes back, and it's time to say goodbye.
We follow them to the car parked in front of the hostel, and say each other goodbye.
It's a bit weird, after having passed such a long time with them (almost 7 weeks !).
Andy and Charlie leave with Helen, and I stay with Charlotte and Clare.
After that, we go back in the hostel, where Charlotte has to use the computers to check some things on Internet (mainly the address of the family she knows in Melbourne and plans to visit).
We then leave the hostel and head up to the beach, to the St Kilda Markets (it's sunday).
Some good things can be found in these markets, even though they're aren't very big. They're still pretty good, and it's very pleasant with the sun.
We then go for a walk along the beach. It's really nice.
After this, Clare leaves us to go find some new sunglasses.
With Charlotte we go on a terrasse to read and write things while enjoying the sun (we mostly update our blogs/diaries).
After a while, Clare calls me and joins us. The sun is really shining hard, it's so good ...
Around 4pm, we head back to the Base hostel to get our luggages back.
Clare is staying at the Base for a few days, so we plan to meet again soon.
I leave with Charlotte but we're going in different directions, so it's our time to say goodbye ...
Once again it's a bit weird and sad.
Now that she has left, I'm alone again ...
I walk up to the Ritz, to check in. While checking in, I see Cindy and Jenifer coming to me to say hello. They're happy that I've decided to come to this hostel.
They leave and go to their room, we'll catch up later on.
I then receive my key : I'm in room 212.
It's the room I was in 2 nights before with the others !
When entering the room, I see Cindy and Jenifer, who also are in this same room ...
So funny.
So I'm with Amber (the Canadian girl, who isn't there now), and the 2 Dutch girls in the room ... Couldn't expect better.
The fifth person in the room isn't there, the others tell me that it's a Brazilian girl ... (it's getting even better :-) ).
Cindy and Jenifer leave the room, and a few minutes later the Brazilian girl comes in. Her name is Angela, she comes from a small village close to Brazilia.
(before telling me where she was from, she asked me if I knew what was the capital city of Brazil - which I answered correctly - she was happy).
After chatting a bit, I leave the hostel to go for some food shopping.
Before going to the supermarket, I go in the Albert Park for a walk around the lake.
I come back to the hostel to make and have dinner.
Afterwards, I chill in the bedroom, with the 4 girls.
We all go to sleep quite early (we all had a long night out yesterday).
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